
Value of Private Lessons, P.1

Since I began teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, martial arts, and self-defense lessons (on the roof of a Holiday Inn Hotel in San Diego, California) back in the summer of 1987, I have taught thousands of private lessons - in the U.S., Mexico, and 20+ countries. Each lesson has been unique because...

Under The Leg Guard Pass

In the 15-minute video shown below, I’ll share with you what I call, “The PreSchool Version” of the basic under-the-leg guard pass. In this video are many details I teach to white and other colored belts who are in hot-pursuit of gaining specific skill sets in this important Jiu Jitsu training...

Depth of Knowledge

Roy Harris BJJ Self-Defense Expert Arrest and Control Expert Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Expert Filipino Kali Expert Jeet Kune Do Expert Kalis Ilustrisimo Expert Kettlebell Expert In part one of this article on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I want to take a magnifying glass to the topic of technique and show...

Gracie Jiu Jitsu Rocks Podcast

Here is a recent interview I did with the Gracie Jiu Jitsu Rocks Podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with the host. We covered a variety of topics and had a lot of fun on the show. I hope you enjoy listening to it! Roy Harris P.S. Do you have questions or comments about this post? Let me know...

The FBIAO Method

Harris Jiu Jitsu follows the structure of, "The FBIAO Method." Let me explain:   The “F” stands for fundamentals. Fundamentals have very little to do with technique. Rather, they lay a foundation for techniques. HJJ Fundamental #01 focuses on “Definitions” (i.e. what do we mean when we use...

Harris International In-Person Blue Belt Examination

Below is an overview of the Harris International In-Person Blue Belt Examination.   NOTE: This examination is different from the online blue belt, the in-person blue shirt, and the online blue shirt versions.   I encourage students to take either a single 30-minute lesson to review...