Self-Defense Expert

Arrest and Control Expert

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Expert

Filipino Kali Expert

Jeet Kune Do Expert

Kalis Ilustrisimo Expert

Kettlebell Expert

Jiu Jitsu Answer Man Book

Roy Harris Apps

Roy Harris BJJ

Roy Harris Oblique KickProfessor Roy Harris has trained in twenty-seven styles of martial art with fifty-one different instructors. He’s taught hundreds of businesses and thousands of clients globally. So, he has a wealth of knowledge and experience which enables him to design and teach training programs specific to the unique needs of each client. 

Here is an example of a shortlist of topics he has taught over the years:

• Defensive and offensive edged weapon training
• Defensive and offensive blunt weapon training
• Awareness training and development
Developing your round kicks
• Cloth and rope fighting
• Kickboxing (e.g. Chinese, American, Filipino, French, etc.)
• Trapping
• Clinch work
BJJ over 40 Instructor training
• Throws and takedowns for competition
• Throws and takedowns for competition for BJJ over 50
• Ground escapes/control
• Basic and advanced submissions
Arrest and control
• Defensive tactics
Range fighting on the ground
• Functional fitness, specific to individual goals (e.g. police officers, MMA fighters, etc.)
• Self-defense (for women, large men, pilots, flight attendants business travelers, etc.)

With all of this experience, Mr. Harris can:

• Help you to train more efficiently and gain skill sets in a shorter period of time!
• Help you train realistically but with minimal risk of injury!
• Help instructors teach/communicate more effectively!
• Provide you with follow-up training for long-distance students!
• Provide online testing for long-distance students!
• Provide online instruction for long-distance students and instructors!
• Provide online consultations for long-distance students and instructors!
• Provide online consultations for the military and police!
• Provide highly customized training to meet specific needs!

Does this sound like anything you would be interested in? If so, send Mr. Harris an email. He can help you develop usable, repeatable, and measurable skill sets much quicker!