
Here’s what others have said after working with me…


“I have had the pleasure of training with Professor Roy Harris for over 20 years. I have done so at his academy, at the police department where I used to work, and also in the privacy of my home. Professor Harris has helped me become an effective police defensive tactic instructor and supervisor. I have trained with great martial artists over the years but Professor Harris takes his instruction to a higher level. In addition to teaching techniques, he explains when, why, and how the techniques work. Professor Harris has been instrumental in helping me accomplish one of my most important goals…teaching police officers defensive tactics and techniques to help keep them safe! On a personal level, Roy has been a great friend and mentor!”

Keith Blackburn
Mayor, City of Carlsbad

“I have had the privilege of training privately under ROY HARRIS on and off for the past 15 years. He has trained me in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and in the ILUSTRISIMO SYSTEM of KALI. I found him a patient teacher and detailed instructor in both arts that he teaches. I would highly recommend him and his martial art material to anyone.”

Dan Inosanto
Head Instructor
Inosanto Academy

“For the past year, I have been focusing my training on Mr. Harris’ Americana technique and training methods. It has been an interesting path for me. Other students have asked me why I always try to use that particular submission instead of the other, “more fancy or popular submissions.” Many students don’t understand or consider the Americana technique as a great submission – at least not until they saw and experienced that I could do it to almost everyone in the class – only then did they become curious!!! I am proud to say I have had great success with it. I am controlling larger and stronger individuals and am finishing them more consistently.

“As a female, I often struggle in sparring because the majority of my training partners are bigger and stronger males. Trying to escape their hold-downs can be difficult. And, trying to control them from the major control positions or trying to finish them with a submission can be extremely difficult. But thanks to Mr. Harris’s training and advice, I have made a lot of progress in this last year!

“So if you are looking for a structured way to practice, improve, and polish your escape, control, and submission skills, I highly recommend Professor Harris’s training!”

Isis Torres
Chief Instructor
Sakura Jiu Jitsu Academy

“I’ve always wanted to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & ground grappling, but my work-life schedule is absolutely brutal. With a clinical practice, an international consulting business, and a family to maintain, it’s pretty rare when I can make it to the scheduled group classes at any of the local Jiu-Jitsu academies. As someone who also makes a significant part of his living treating patients with manual therapies and teaching kettlebells, my ability to work is severely impeded when I’m injured. So I need to be able to build practical & effective skills in as safe a manner as humanly possible.

Enter Master Roy Harris… One of the first Americans to earn the prestigious Coral Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Master Harris is known for his highly analytical mind and the ability to take complex systems and break them down into comprehensible, reproducible skill sets. With his emphasis on fundamentals, progressions, and safety, all without sacrificing efficacy, he seemed like the perfect person to help me with my goal of learning a self-defense system that’s known for a very high incidence of joint injuries.

So to manage the challenges of scheduling, safety, and skill acquisition, I had to do the math. A single day off from treating patients can cost me as much as $2000 in lost income, plus another $500 or more in injury treatments. A single private lesson with Master Harris in the comfort of my own home costs me $300 in comparison. Learning the skill sets of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from one of the most methodical, well-spoken, and logical instructors without having to lose income opportunities, without having to travel down to San Diego, and without jeopardizing my business through costly & painful injuries has been just what the doctor ordered!”

Dr. Mark Cheng
Chief Instructor – Kettlebells Los Angeles
Clinic Director – Chung Hua Institute

Dr. Mark Cheng
L.Ac., Ph.D., FMS, TRX Sports Med, Sr RKC

“My first Jiu Jitsu learning experience came shortly after the first UFC was aired. In the convenience of my friend’s home, several of us took semi-private lessons from Roy Harris. Roy traveled to Chula Vista twice each week and taught us Brazilian Jujitsu. We learned things such as white belts that were not being shown to our other friends who were training in other Jiu Jitsu schools. Every few weeks one of us would come back to our lesson sharing about a workout with other friends where we were tapping out blue and purple belts! Inevitably, Roy went on to open several schools and travel around the world teaching students this fabulous art. Over the last twenty years, I have not been surprised to see his success. Roy always has a personal touch. Imagine Roy coming to your home and teaching you privately—just like I had it all of those years ago—now it’s happening again! Don’t miss the opportunity, the convenience, and the richness of having private or semi-private sessions in your own home with the master teacher himself: Roy Harris. Priceless.”

Dr. Ernest Mendes
Author, Organizational Psychologist

Ernie Mendes
Organizational Psychologist

“I have had the great opportunity to learn from Mr. Harris for the past 12 years through seminars, private lessons and MMA camps. I have implemented numerous of his training ideas and methods into my martial arts training regiment. These ideas and methods have made a positive impact on my martial arts journey. I am truly thankful for his influence in my life!“

Jordan Mein
MMA Fighter in RITC
UFC and Bellator

Roy Harris is a teacher’s teacher. He is not only gifted with tremendous depth and scope of martial arts talent in general, but more importantly, he is able to communicate this experience to each student.

I feel uniquely qualified to judge this ability having been trained by some exceptional instructors and having received teaching awards from the UCSD School of Medicine and the Navy Emergency Medicine Program.

Roy is able to dissect complex drills into understandable components, make the nebulous into something tangible, then put it all together in the “big picture”. Every class seems to bring a new revelation where to paraphrase Bruce: “A punch is no longer just a punch, a kick is no longer just a kick, an arm bar is no longer just an arm bar.” By the end of class, the astute observer will realize that Roy has brought the punch back to just being a punch, a kick just a kick, an arm bar just an arm bar.

I have recommended Roy to dozens of martial arts enthusiasts individually and am delighted to endorse him in this forum.


Jack C. Yang, MD

Dr. Jack Yang

I want to say a big THANK YOU to our instructor Professor Roy Harris, as he has been integral to the success we’ve had with building one of the largest BJJ academies in Norway since 2002!

Professor Harris has supported us by regularly travelling from San Diego to Trondheim, Norway sharing his vast knowledge by doing BJJ seminars and instructor courses since we founded our academy over two decades ago.

Team Trondheim BJJ is now one of the largest BJJ schools in Norway – we have produced multiple gold medalists in numerous international competitions, including the IBJJ European and World championships by following Professor Harris´ way of training and teaching. In our academy we have children from the age of 5, teens, and adults up into their 60´s all enjoying BJJ together in a safe and healthy training environment. By following the roadmap and training methods laid out by Professor Harris we can offer growth for both the casual athlete and the serious competitor. Professor Harris has shared principles and training methods of Jiu Jitsu which allows us to progress at all levels, even if he is not here to train with us on a daily basis.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Professor Harris as an instructor and encourage everyone who has the chance to join one of his seminars, or classes or to take a private lesson – you will not regret it!

Per Christian Andresen

Per Christian Andresen
BJJ Black Belt, BJJ Enthusiast

Mr. Harris,

I wanted to put something in writing that you could perhaps post someday. What I want to talk about is the “Feel” of the Harris Academy. Having trained most of my adult life, I’ve had the opportunity to spend substantial time at other schools. There is something markedly different at your academy, the “Feel”.

I never felt intimidated at your academy, EVER! Even though I have worked out with some highly skilled veterans at your academy, I always felt protected by their skills, not hurt by them. This is what I call the Harris “Feel”. Your insistence on cooperative training makes for an environment that keeps the injuries down, and the ability to learn up.

Like most people, I have a job, a family, and responsibilities outside of the Academy. I need to attend to those priorities, as well as train hard, which means injuries have to be kept to a minimum. I like the fact we can ramp it up and go hard at times, but my training partner will be always watching out for my welfare. It may not make sense to the casual reader, but I have been choked, arm barred, leg locked, heel hooked, punched, kicked, thrown, and much more, but all done “Harris Style”.

There are some very tough guys and gals throughout Harris Academy. Champion Cage (MMA) fighters, world-class Jiu Jitsu players, a world-ranked Pankration medalist, and the rest of us. Those of us who want a fun, friendly, and safe environment. Who have a chance to work out with the highly skilled, but will come home injury-free.

The Harris Academy “Feel” = Trust, Respect, Cooperation, Family.

Warmest Regards,

Al Lowrimore

Al Lowrimore
65 Year Young Business Owner

“I began traveling from Denver, Colorado to San Diego, California to train privately in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Professor Harris back in the summer of 2018. I reached out to Professor Harris because my martial arts injuries had started to interfere with other parts of my life: On one hand, I teach martial arts and often spar (e.g. MMA and boxing) and roll hard with bigger, stronger and younger training partners. On the other hand, I am a dad who prioritizes playing with my kids and frequent injuries interfere with that.

“After my first private lesson with Professor Harris, my injury rate dropped significantly. Because Professor Harris’ teaching improved my game so much, I began traveling from Denver to San Diego every three months.

“Currently, my injury rate has dropped to zero, my training partners submit me at least 85% less often – even with training partners whom I always struggled with in sparring. I can now neutralize the topside pressures from larger and stronger training partners. For years, this one position used to leave me injured and stiff-necked the day after.

“What I have noticed most after my training with Professor Harris is that I use a lot less strength and energy to gain superior positions and submissions. I never thought I’d understand these strategies and movements so deeply and with this degree of clarity in such a short amount of time.

“I find Professor Harris to be an approachable, patient, and generous instructor with an uncanny ability to communicate advanced concepts, principles, and techniques. I would highly recommend his training to anyone regardless of their current level of skill!”

Jack Gialanella
University Instructor

Dear Mr. Harris,

I just wanted to take the time to express my gratitude for, and satisfaction with, my experience at the Harris Academy over the last seven months. The quality of instruction I have received, both from you and your associate instructors, has surpassed even the high expectations I had when I first arrived. More than that, however, I have found it to be the activity I look forward to most each week. Even after seven months I find I am not lacking for motivation or the desire to learn and experience more. This was honestly not what I expected when I began, just based on my own history of undertaking various hobbies and physical activities – I was sure I would probably burn out after 4 or 5 months and move on to something else. My enthusiasm has not waned one bit, however, and I look forward to a long, educational, and rewarding experience at the Academy.

I would like to make a special note about your fitness class. I am truly grateful to you for providing an environment that is not only extremely educational and enlightening, but also comfortable. I spent many years toiling in “meat-market” gyms, vying for machine time with gym bunnies and meatheads, only to experience inadequate and disappointing results. In a few short months you have totally transformed my knowledge of and outlook on physical fitness. I no longer have to drag myself to a workout session; in fact, I find myself eagerly awaiting the next chance I have to implement the new techniques and exercises I have learned. The physical changes in my body are also readily apparent, and I thank you both for my current state, as well as for what I know will be improved health for the rest of my life.

Finally, I would like to express my appreciation for allowing me to work out with the advanced students during the JKD class the other week. I know I have not by any means achieved that level of experience yet, but it did whet my appetite for what I have to look forward to if I continue at the Academy, and I definitely look forward to (hopefully) many years of exciting and educational experience.

Thank you again for teaching and sharing your experience with me. I am truly grateful and can only hope that I am somehow able to repay you in some way at some point for the difference you have already made in my life.

Your humble and grateful student,

Sean Keating

Sean Keating
Harris Academy Student

“Thanks to Professor Roy Harris, I no longer fear getting tapped out by younger, faster, and stronger lower-ranking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu belts. His training has allowed me to frustrate higher-ranking belts (yes, even the black belts). And because of this, I enjoy rolling every single time I am on the mat – because I can do so without injury!

“Professor Harris has developed a unique system for me. He drives from San Diego once a month to teach me at my home in Orange County, California! He shows up at my house, on time, and even BRINGS THE MATS WITH HIM! We train in my garage in a 10’X10′ space for 60 to 75 minutes each session.

“What I like most about the private in-home training Professor Harris provides is that all the time is spent on me, helping me to become better.

“One private lesson in my home with Professor Harris is like several months’ worth of group classes. My Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game is elevated to a new level after every session because of the individualized attention he provides.

“If you have the time and want to quickly improve your Jiu Jitsu skills, schedule a private lesson with Professor Harris. You will not be disappointed!”

Michael S.

“Mr. Harris, I have NEVER heard concepts explained the way you do. They were so simple and illuminating. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I finally understood how things were supposed to work. You’ve changed my game, my way of looking at BJJ training, and most of all, how I teach defensive tactics. Your teachings are ABSOLUTELY a game-changer!”

Ken Kries
26 Year Law Enforcement Veteran

Professor Harris,

Last week, close to my 61st birthday, I got my blue belt. A portion of it belongs to you. Your defensive postures as outlined in your “BJJ Over 40” app kept me safe. Thank you!

Once safe I could start to apply the fundamentals from your video course called “BJJ Foundations.”

Once I could escape and sweep I could apply the elements from your “Guard Passing Simplified” course.

And, I now have a pressure game as my foundation. Thank you so much!

I’m looking forward to learning more from you in the future!

Please know that you are making a difference in people’s lives!

Iwan Jenkins

Iwan Jenkins
61 year old BJJ Blue Belt

If you ever get a chance to meet him go to Mr. Harris’ seminars… i never…never saw a guy like him teaching the ground game so perfectly in details.. he is really explaining you how and when and where to put your body.. great techniques… not only a perfect teacher also an still very good fighter.. and he is not training so much in condition like we do but after 10 minutes i am tired because of his body pressure… like stories… an black or brown belt came once to his school and roy really played with him and shows him his stuff… later when he came back to his school the guy was still sitting there and just said i cant believe how you played me and was nearly crying…. the same strange feeling to me and my training partner..like i would never have trained on the ground… damn this guy is always one step ahead.. he also trained with rickson and he just said he is always tight and you just feel his pressure.. the same like him..he is so tight, no space and you always have the whole pressure on your body…amazing… today he explained the techniques of the mata leao.. fuck.. between one or two seconds my friend passed out.. and that badly he didn’t just sleep his body was chacking.. i said fuck what happened there.. he even didn’t finish the choke.. then he explained this to me.. and just one arm and the second..and I can’t remember nothing more.. I felt maybe in 1 second to sleep.. amazing… I never saw that.. and you know I saw a lot of people… he really knows where to put his body and his arms, etc.. to get the pressure on..but just because he always is searching and training the things… some people just go to the school and are doing what their teacher is telling them… but don’t think for themselves did I really did the technique good and perfect…. because of the details… like if you choking someone, it’s not just all about the arms.. also the legs of your body where to put them…how ! to get the best pressure out of your body.. he showed us the stuff and we did it, but just because he was there and let us feel the difference… and than we know how to do the things… this guy is amazing..but too long story.. he has an website go to it… www.royharris.com.. you can download some stuff.. and also his new on website there he will have an online learning section.



BJJ student


Thank you so much! I stumbled upon your site just before Christmas, and I asked you to pray for a job promotion. I signed the documents today–I got it! It will change a lot of things: I won’t ever have to work a Sunday, so church will never be interrupted. I won’t work holidays, so I can be home with my family. I will get a raise that will cover most of what my wife made at her jobs before she got laid off–and we’ll be breaking even and possibly be able to start replenishing our savings account after several unfortunate circumstances.

I appreciate that you were so great to someone who you have never met, in a different country with something that didn’t impact you directly.

Thank you very much. (Mind you, it may eventually affect you, because I’m going to ask my family for your BJJ DVDs for Birthday and Christmas!).

Thanks a ton,

Gordon A.

British Columbia

Gordon A.
Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast

“If you’ve been looking for a ‘GAME CHANGER’ in your training, stop looking and dive headfirst into Professor Roy Harris’ teachings.

“No one has had a bigger impact on my Jiu Jitsu than Professor Harris. His private lesson training at my work as well as his online courses are unparalleled!

“Professor Harris’s way of teaching is simply Masterful. The understandability of Professor Harris’s courses combined with his humor, passion, and knowledge generates world-class enjoyment

“Thank you, Professor Roy Harris!”

Deputy Hart
Sheriff's Department

In the spring of 2003, I finally finished my schooling, and with a modicum of free time now available to me, I wanted to get back into the Dojo. My brother Al Lowrimore had been telling me for many months about a martial arts instructor named Roy Harris whom he had begun training with, and felt that he was one of the most qualified instructors he had ever met. Al invited me to attend an Edged Weapons Seminar that Roy was conducting on a Saturday morning, to check him out for myself. Needless to say, I was impressed. After the seminar was concluded and we were heading home, I mentioned to Al, “I don’t get wowed or impressed very easily, but WOW!”

Without a doubt, Roy Harris is the most competent instructor I have ever trained or studied under. I’m honored to be associated with Roy Harris, Harris International, and the fine instructors and students who make up this wonderfully unique organization.



Dale Lowrimore

“Ever since you visited the Trondheim BJJ Club in November, it has changed everything for me. My friend and I have since practiced positioning, transitioning, and the pressure game with playfulness and often with closed eyes. Your training methods are amazing! My body feels so much better with less sparring and more flow. Your apps are also a great help!

“Thanks for being a great master, Roy.”

BJJ over 100

BJJ over 100
Avid BJJ Student from Norway

Mr. Harris

I have now been training at your academy for 3 and a half years. I started training at the academy when I was 13 years old. Before that, I trained in Kenpo karate for 6 years and achieved the rank of 1st-degree black belt. My experience at your academy has been nothing but a positive influence on my life.

Every time I walk into the academy, I feel I am part of a family that can help me with anything I need in my life. Not to mention that I learn something new every single time I go and train.

Everyone who starts training starts for a reason. My reason was because I didn’t want to get picked on at school anymore by the neighborhood bully and I wanted to learn how to fight so I could beat him up. However, once I started training and learned something I never needed to go and get my revenge on the neighborhood bully. And now that I have been training for close to 10 years, it has become a major part of my life.

The academy is a part of something I can always look to for help and just a fun experience. I have learned so many different techniques that could be used in a million situations such as in a street fight, a professional fight, for a good workout, or just to show my friends some interesting things.

With mixed martial arts becoming such a huge sport in these days, it’s like the new boxing. Starting to train as a teenager is a great thing cause you learn these techniques, and yea you might not be the biggest person in class. However, it will make you focus on technique and later on in life once you do have the size, then the technique and size to execute the technique to a better extent.

At the academy Mr. Harris only allows the best of students to instruct the classes. While being taught, you also will learn different nuances of the art through your training partners.

Joining the academy was one of the best things I have ever done in my life because it feels like a family that I am part of for life. Also, it helps me progress as a martial artist in any way that I would like to.

Alexander Stanich

Alexander Stanich

I began my study of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at University of California, San Diego, in a weekly recreation class. It was a friendly environment, but due to the infrequency of classes and my older brain, it took a long time for techniques, and even the governing concepts to begin to make sense. But, because of my persistence and interest, the instructors recommended I begin to study with their teacher, Roy Harris.

After inquiry, I began to study at the Harris Academy in February 2007, and I’ve been energized and enthusiastic ever since. For a very reasonable price, I have the ability to attend any number and combination of classes each week, and have been attending an average of three classes weekly. As a long-time student of traditional Okinawan Uechi-Ryu Karate, I had the humbling and enlightening experience of starting over in a martial sport that uses the same principles, only employed while mostly horizontal. Moving my center, using my torso instead of arms, not contesting for space but rather evading, creating space by moving myself rather than my partner, using internal energy instead of external strength, the importance of breath control and relaxation, linking techniques, seeing moves before they need to occur, and development of body wisdom and reaction time are all attributes and skills that came with the package. Though they’re used in stand-up martial arts, the application of them was a whole new skill set, and it very much continues to evolve.

Roy Harris is a master teacher. I’m not even talking about his technical skills, but rather his ability to synthesize concepts and extract the essence of what is happening and needs to happen in given situations. He explains how levels of understanding evolve and grow, and how technique fluency and naturalness evolve. He is very supportive, but also demanding. He gives the student what they can and should understand at their stage of development. He sets the tone for the whole school, and that is mutual respect, and kind, helpful treatment of each other.

Students learn early to spar cooperatively, rather than competitively, unless by mutual agreement. The result is a very safe environment for all, regardless of age and physical conditioning. Generally, higher ranks spar with newer students at their level, occasionally showing them attacks and defense situations from their point of view. Partly because of the safe and positive atmosphere, and also because of the intrinsic fascinating nature of the art, I look forward eagerly to each class.

Because of my training in BJJ, I have developed a level of physical fitness that I hadn’t ever experienced before. I have run, done stand-up, used a ski-trainer, joined a health club, used gym weights, but never had as much confidence in my natural strength as I do now. The extremities are only extensions, and I am learning to use my body primarily. The result is a multiplication of my effectiveness. My breathing continues to improve, with an increase in my vital capacity, and slowing of my breathing. Having one’s breath keep up with their needs also importantly involves learning to relax in tight and demanding situations, and BJJ has been teaching me that.

As a 61 year old physician I can say that your teaching, and your deep and comprehensive course of study (non-ending, practically speaking) has improved my health, conditioning, resiliency and attitude. I look forward to many years of study with you, and would like to thank you for being an outstanding role model to all of us, and for being such a great teacher and master of a school and art.


Paul Haydu

Dr. Paul Haydu

I am writing this letter to share with you the incredible value of my training with Mr. Roy Harris.

My first seminar with Mr. Harris was in 2000. I have attended at least 3 seminars a year as well as personal training sessions each year. I have hosted seminars at my gym as well have brought Mr. Harris in to do special training boot camps with my top MMA fighters. Mr. Harris has been crucial in the development of my fighters, especially UFC fighters Jordan Mein and Jason Day.

Mr. Harris has an incredible ability to see the big picture when it comes to training. Whether it’s MMA, BJJ, or self-defense training, he has a complete understanding of combat range and the tools required to be effective.

I use the control tactics that Mr. Harris teaches me when I teach seminars to law enforcement personnel here in Canada and do regular seminars with the Tactical Team for the Lethbridge Correctional Centre and have found Mr. Harris’s teaching methods make it easy to pass on information as well for students to grasp the concepts of control tactics.

The cost of traveling to train with Mr. Harris as well as bringing him up here to train has been nothing in comparison to the value of his knowledge, leadership, and attention to detail. His teaching methods and ability to pass on information are light years ahead of all instructors I have trained with. I have trained with many top MMA fighters and coaches, as well as self-defense instructors. I place my training with Mr. Harris as the most valued thing I have done in my career and personal life.

Thank you for your time!


Lee Mein

Lee Mein
Coach, Black Belt, Fighter

Mr. Harris,

I should say “Dr. Harris” because I just watched your Harris Jiu Jitsu 103 Grip Fighting DVD and was blown away by your knowledge and instruction. As a college student, I have had many different professors, some good and some not so good, but your instruction on Grip Fighting was PhD level. I will do my best to follow your instructions to an “A” level of understanding and application, thank you for making this DVD.

Sincerely & Respectfully,

Michael McGuire

Michael McGuire
BJJ Enthusiast

When I started training with you in Jeet Kune Do and Kalis Ilustrisimo, I did not realize what a positive impact it would have on my daily mindset.  With six years of experience as a police officer, I started to notice a decline in my officer safety skills and physical fitness level.  I believe this is a common occurrence in any occupation, but as you well know, in the field of law enforcement poor officer safety skills and a lack of physical fitness can mean disaster.

I was interested in taking Jeet Kune Do and found the Harris International website. I asked our department’s defensive tactics instructor, Mike, if he was familiar with you or the Harris Academy.  Mike enthusiastically recommended you as an expert in defensive tactics and more importantly vouched for your excellent character.  In the short time that I have been attending your academy, I have seen that your reputation as a master instructor is well deserved.

I attended my first JKD instruction with my brother-in-law who is also a police officer.  Within those 60 minutes of instruction, we went over JKD defensive and offensive techniques that could be immediately applied to policing. What truly opened my eyes was the concept of having a “hard rear foot” in a physical encounter.  It was such a simple concept that improved my defensive tactics tenfold.

I have since then put these concepts towards my policing practices and I sincerely believe that the practical application of your techniques will add to my chances of maintaining safety in the field.  I have since become a regular student at the Harris Academy and I am enjoying the open and friendly atmosphere shared by the instructors and students.  I believe the character of an organization is a mirror of its leader.  In the case of the Harris Academy, this is certainly true.

I would recommend any person in law enforcement wanting to improve their defensive tactics to train with you.  I believe they will gain new insights that will get them through the critical few moments when the stuff really hits the fan.  

Thank you again and I look forward to continued training with you and the Harris Academy family.

Claudio A.

Police Officer

Claudio A.
Police Officer, JKD & FMA Practitioner

I must first mention that having the chance to train and hang out with Roy was a pleasure. I learned a lot of new techniques, details, and novel training methods and drills. Roy, however, is not just an excellent teacher and Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. He is a very generous and friendly guy. He does not just “teach” a group of guys; he also hangs out with the guys and genuinely seems to always have a good time with everyone joking around and talking about various issues, not just training! I highly recommend training with Roy if you have the chance. You will not regret it!

The seminar here in the Philippines was two days in length, We trained at least three hours each day. Day 1, with gi, covered controlling a person in the closed and open guard, with particular emphasis on pushing, pulling, and hooking motions with various parts of the body: hands, forearms, elbows, shins, feet, knees, etc. These techniques did not involve submission or sweeps; rather, they emphasized “controlling” your opponent. To many experienced BJJ practitioners, this may seem to be a very basic and easy task to accomplish. However, with the amount of detail, precision, and emphasis Roy adds to these techniques, they seem like a whole new game. Through drilling and various training methods, Roy makes “controlling” an opponent within the guard much more efficient. I have been previously taught and have previously trained in the techniques Roy taught at the seminar. However, the way Roy approaches the techniques and drills sets him far apart from other BJJ instructors. He puts techniques into combinations, making even the simplest moves into a “new lesson”, which helps the student to retain the information.

After controlling a person in the guard, we moved to work the arm bar and triangle from the guard. Again, these two moves everyone may know, but not with the same amount of precision and efficiency that Roy taught at the seminar. Placement of the hips, angles of the body, and slight pressure at key points of the body make a big difference. Yes, many other methods work well too, but the way Roy approached arm bars and triangles made my techniques “tighter”.

Roy explained two methods of executing the armbar, adding small details throughout the entire time we practiced them. We went over several ways to finish the triangle and various ways of tightening the triangle against common counters. We then worked armbar to triangle, and triangle to armbar combinations.

Following the work on the arm bar and triangle, Roy taught three sweeps from the guard and for “fun”, the helicopter arm bar from the guard. Again, everything was presented in a detailed way making techniques more efficient. Lastly, Roy put all the techniques and variations we were taught on day 1 into a combination to wrap things up.

Day 2, without gi, focused on guard techniques as well, this time focusing on finishing techniques. First, we covered the basic kimura (again with key points and mechanics to make the kimura tight) and progressed into adding resistance to the kimura. Roy ended up teaching a 6-movement flow from the initial kimura from the guard when an opponent offers varying resistance. A well-thought-out combination! Roy then taught us a setup for those who put their heads down and cover themselves up when in the guard, ending in an arm bar, triangle, or kimura depending on the resistance given by the opponent. (This position was similar to what Ken Shamrock did to Royce Gracie during their rematch.) Once again, I must reiterate that the detail in the techniques was first class! Also, I want to mention that we did not practice the techniques in isolation, meaning Roy always implemented some type of drill that made practicing the technique more realistic. We were able to adjust of varying resistance. Roy does not only show great techniques and drills and has us practice them, but he also takes time out to explain concepts on progression, technique, teaching methods, training philosophies, etc. which is a plus. He reaches into our minds and makes our minds think about the material from many different perspectives.

Roy opened the seminar up for questions after this. He taught several techniques and positions. He taught two escapes from the North/South position, 2 submissions (chokes) from the side mount, and a three-movement setup/combo for mounting. Finally, the seminar ended with some mat time (sparring). I assure you, everyone at the seminar now knows why Roy is called, BOA. His grappling style is very slow, methodical, and tight!

I had the opportunity to spar with Roy on various occasions and it was a pleasurable learning experience. Our first sparring session, about 40 minutes straight, I was amazed at his approach. It was very slow, he gave me chances to try various techniques on him, and allowed me to counter his techniques, offering some resistance. This method of sparring Roy has adopted makes one think about what he or she is doing instead of just eagerly and energetically going for submissions or sweeps. In a competition or confrontation, there is no time to think, just react; however, through sparring the way Roy advocates, one can think about his or her movements ingraining them in one’s mind so that they come out as reactions during competition or a conflict. I appreciated the way Roy worked with me when sparring. His goal wasn’t to finish me as fast as he could; instead, he wanted me to know what he was doing, try moves on him, feel and see how he countered them, and try those counters or submissions myself. I learned a lot just from sparring Roy, and watching him spar. Unlike other higher belts, he works with you and gives you a chance. He does not just go on the mat to tap you out. He wants you to learn!

I highly encourage all of you to roll with Roy! You will learn a lot! I was very impressed and am happy and excited to be a student of his. Roy Harris = highly recommended.

Myles Vives (Seminar host)
Manila, Philippines

Myles Vives
Seminar Host, BJJ Enthusiast

We had been looking forward to Roy’s visit with anxiety. Will this American be able to make a good show of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? How will his visit compare to earlier visits of “Brazilian” instructors? Of course, we had heard that Roy was an excellent instructor. However, what you hear is not always true.

I had the opportunity to stay in Brazil for a while and observe their culture and lifestyle. Although there are many advantages to their easygoing lifestyle, I prefer to rely on a more disciplined approach to training. I desire an instructor who can create a solid Jiu Jitsu organization here in Poland.

Roy arrived in Poland on the exact date and the precise time that he told us. In this way, he distinguished himself from the “other” instructor who had previously come to Poland.

Before the seminar, Roy taught a lot of private lessons. He showed us so many techniques that we could not remember all of them. Although the techniques were really interesting we had to explain to him that in Poland contrary to other countries it is more important quality than quantity and we would prefer him rather channel his efforts to developing our skills than to give us a lot of knowledge. Roy promised us that on the day of the seminar, he would focus on improving our skills. As he promised, Roy devoted the first day of the seminar to escaping from the mounted position and passing the guard. The techniques were mostly interesting and something new for us.

On the second day, in the morning, Roy taught us how to attack from the guard as well as how to stop the opponent who tried to break this technique. It was a very interesting combination. In the afternoon, the training consisted of striking techniques, and how to close the gap with a combination of low kicks and takedowns.

All the students who attended the seminar were very satisfied. In attendance at this seminar were representatives from all four (4) Brazilian Jiu Jitsu clubs in Poland (as well as Middle / Eastern Europe) and a large number of practitioners from Lithuania and Slovakia.

Roy also conducts training at the High Military School of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Numerous Scouts and Army martial arts instructors attended. They were also very satisfied with the instruction they received from Roy.

I could write much more about the way Roy teaches, how methodical he is, how much he cares for his students, how he cares about their individual progress, and obviously how precisely he can analyze every subject. These were very obvious for those who were fortunate to train with him while he was here in Poland. However, I think only a few people know what kind of man Roy really is. There are two things about Roy that struck me:

First, he decided to tell me about his weaknesses and worries he had come across in his life (not everybody is strong enough to do this). Secondly, when Roy was about to leave for his train, I made a mistake about the time and location of his departure. Roy was almost stuck in Poland! (The situation was a mess, quite complicated.) During the whole mishap, Roy was trying to find a solution to the problem, and he did so with a smile on his face (and trust me, nothing about the situation was funny at all). Roy did not complain at all. He even tried to comfort me! That’s a man!! That’s a master!!!

In the beginning, there were a few people who were against inviting Roy to come to Poland and teach us Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (they preferred “Brazilian” instructors). However, they have since changed their minds. They told me to forget about what they said before and to tell Roy how much they supported the idea of him coming to Poland.

I have come to the conclusion that once Japanese and Chinese were the only ones to teach martial arts because the others non-Japanese and non-Chinese were said to “not be as good as.” However, life has shown us that this is not true. I believe Roy is the best example that the man is more important than the nation!

Summing it all up, Roy’s visit was a great success and we hope to cooperate with him in future endeavors!

Karol Matuszczak

Karol Matuszczak
Seminar Host, BJJ Black Belt

Professor Roy Harris is a meticulous and innovative instructor. In all the years I have known him, I have been completely blown away by his teachings and concepts. He could explain and break down a technique or concept so that it is easily understood and digested. My training partners and I will often ask ourselves, can it be that easy? It is that easy once Professor Harris breaks it down and explains it. I have been interested in the BJJ Over 40 program since Professor Harris came out with his BJJ Over 40 DVD.

I hosted Professor Harris for his first-ever BJJ Over 40 Level 1 Instructor course in Peachtree City, Georgia. I was hooked from the beginning and have just completed his Level 4 BJJ over 40 Instructor course in Naples, Florida.

Professor Harris is continually preaching community and safety above all else when training so that we can slow the young guns down while being safe and remaining injury-free so we can train into our 70s and 80s.

When I was younger I had back issues and ended up having 3 back surgeries with the last one being a failed fusion of L5/S1. Once I was introduced to Professor Harris’s BJJ over 40 program, it changed my game and training around my injury and has helped me stay on the mats and training. I have a busy career and family. I train more as a hobbyist 2 to 3 times a week. I can’t afford to be injured and take time off from work or not be able to spend quality time with my family. This is why I have embraced his over 40 teachings and concepts. I highly recommend attending one of Professor Harris’s BJJ Over 40 instructors’ courses in person or online.

Chris McMahan
51 years old, 1st Degree Black Belt
Level 4 BJJ Over 40 Instructor

Chris McMahan
BJJ Black Belt, BJJ Enthusiast