
Need an expert to help you work through specific martial art, or life, problems? Need someone with a bottomless ear to listen, empathize, and understand?

How I’ve helped Others

The word “Consultation” is kind of a big, all-consuming word. What does it mean and how does it actually work? Instead of going into a lot of detail, how about I show you some examples of how I’ve helped others? I have helped:


• Instructors who’ve had to address “bully” type students.

• Instructors who’ve had to address “hygienically challenged” students, as well as students who’ve had these kinds of training partners.

• Instructors who’ve struggled to pay rent, ways to increase revenue.

• Instructors/students who had lost their desire to teach or train.

• Instructors/students who had lost their will to live.

• Instructors/students who were struggling in their marriage.

• Students who had a “bully” as an instructor.

• Older students who had felt unprotected by their instructors, were on the receiving end of a lot of injuries and were considering quitting.

• Female students who had to endure training with “those” kinds of men.

• Police agencies who needed specific problems solved (e.g. too many facial injuries, too many in-custody injuries/deaths, too many officers getting injured while training, etc.).

• Military groups who were looking for more efficient and less injurious training methods.

• Etc…

Over the years, I have consulted with clients at a variety of locations:

• Martial Art Academies
• Police Academies
• Military Academies
• Starbucks Coffee
• Restaurants
• Shopping Malls
• Large and small airports
• Parks
• Golf Courses
• Hospitals
• Online

If you’d like to get the ball rolling, send me an email, and let’s chat.

Roy Harris