“After 15 years of Martial Arts experience, rarely do I encounter an instructor who impresses me as thoroughly as Mr. Roy Harris. Mr. Harris is without a doubt one of the most knowledgeable and skillful individuals I have ever met. His well of knowledge is wide and deep and backed by obvious testing and experience. While his credentials are tremendous, his ability to convey clear and exact information is awe-inspiring.
“What led me to train with Mr. Harris was actually an article he wrote. I read this piece while in the middle of a frustrating three-year plateau in my ground-fighting skills. After reading his article “Progression in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,” (which doesn’t even contain technical information, but rather Mr. Harris’ well-thought-out perspectives on the art) my next training session was the first class in two years in which I felt progress. A year later, when I did my first training with Mr. Harris, I learned more on the first day than I had in the four years prior.
“While all of this is certainly impressive, these are not the primary reasons that I train with Mr. Harris. As a person, Roy is generous and open. He shares his tremendous knowledge freely, and his classroom has a striking air of equality–he does not reserve himself a special status among the group, despite his audience’s obvious reverence for his authority. (Sometimes he almost looks surprised when people ask him obscure questions, not because he doesn’t know the answer, but because he almost doesn’t realize his awesome command of the arts). His lighthearted nature and gentle wisdom make his classes and seminars wonderfully enlightening. While his technical skills are amazing, it is these personal qualities that make training with him such a treat.
“It has been my great personal pleasure and honor to work with Mr. Roy Harris. Every time I hear from him I learn something new, whether or not we are discussing Martial Arts. I look forward happily to continued training with him.”
Chris Martell
3rd Degree Black Belt,
Kenpo Karate Lakan,
Modern Arnis
Krav Maga Instructor
Harris International Apprentice Grappling Instructor
Harris Jiu Jitsu Black Belt