When I started training with you in Jeet Kune Do and Kalis Ilustrisimo, I did not realize what a positive impact it would have on my daily mindset. With six years of experience as a police officer, I started to notice a decline in my officer safety skills and physical fitness level. I believe this is a common occurrence in any occupation, but as you well know, in the field of law enforcement poor officer safety skills and a lack of physical fitness can mean disaster.
I was interested in taking Jeet Kune Do and found the Harris International website. I asked our department’s defensive tactics instructor, Mike, if he was familiar with you or the Harris Academy. Mike enthusiastically recommended you as an expert in defensive tactics and more importantly vouched for your excellent character. In the short time that I have been attending your academy, I have seen that your reputation as a master instructor is well deserved.
I attended my first JKD instruction with my brother-in-law who is also a police officer. Within those 60 minutes of instruction, we went over JKD defensive and offensive techniques that could be immediately applied to policing. What truly opened my eyes was the concept of having a “hard rear foot” in a physical encounter. It was such a simple concept that improved my defensive tactics tenfold.
I have since then put these concepts towards my policing practices and I sincerely believe that the practical application of your techniques will add to my chances of maintaining safety in the field. I have since become a regular student at the Harris Academy and I am enjoying the open and friendly atmosphere shared by the instructors and students. I believe the character of an organization is a mirror of its leader. In the case of the Harris Academy, this is certainly true.
I would recommend any person in law enforcement wanting to improve their defensive tactics to train with you. I believe they will gain new insights that will get them through the critical few moments when the stuff really hits the fan.
Thank you again and I look forward to continued training with you and the Harris Academy family.
Claudio A.
Police Officer