I am writing this letter to share with you the incredible value of my training with Mr. Roy Harris.

My first seminar with Mr. Harris was in 2000. I have attended at least 3 seminars a year as well as personal training sessions each year. I have hosted seminars at my gym as well have brought Mr. Harris in to do special training boot camps with my top MMA fighters. Mr. Harris has been crucial in the development of my fighters, especially UFC fighters Jordan Mein and Jason Day.

Mr. Harris has an incredible ability to see the big picture when it comes to training. Whether it’s MMA, BJJ, or self-defense training, he has a complete understanding of combat range and the tools required to be effective.

I use the control tactics that Mr. Harris teaches me when I teach seminars to law enforcement personnel here in Canada and do regular seminars with the Tactical Team for the Lethbridge Correctional Centre and have found Mr. Harris’s teaching methods make it easy to pass on information as well for students to grasp the concepts of control tactics.

The cost of traveling to train with Mr. Harris as well as bringing him up here to train has been nothing in comparison to the value of his knowledge, leadership, and attention to detail. His teaching methods and ability to pass on information are light years ahead of all instructors I have trained with. I have trained with many top MMA fighters and coaches, as well as self-defense instructors. I place my training with Mr. Harris as the most valued thing I have done in my career and personal life.

Thank you for your time!


Lee Mein